Advanced Agrilytics

Does Every Acre Require the Same Nitrogen Application?


Traditionally, Nitrogen fertilizer (N) rates have been linked primarily to expected yield goals. However, with recent high N fertilizer costs, above average commodity prices, and unpredictable rainfall patterns, the focus…

To Fungicide or Not to Fungicide

corn growing

…scenario we may be in now.” That’s right — two fungicide applications. “We’re really forced to go that direction because of the complexity of diseases that we have today,” Logan…

In-season Nitrogen: Are Your Plans Ready?

Young Corn Plant

…Advanced Agrilytics lead agronomist, Kent Klingbeil, it’s time to consider in-season nitrogen applications in corn. “At a minimum, you should have your side-dress prescriptions ready to go,” says Klingbeil, an…

Customer Testimonial: Ben Moore, Ohio

Tractors on the field   Ben Moore, Ohio, shares his experience working with Advanced Agrilytics for more than 5 years….

Customer Testimonial: Matt Gilbert, Indiana

Two farmers walking through a field Matt Gilbert, Indiana, knows the value of understanding your field’s environment, down to the sub-acre.  …