Five Things to Consider During Fall Fertility Planning

It’s that time of year again. The crops are maturing in the field, and corn and soybean farmers start thinking about their fall fertility planning. Along with mulling over the usual decisions of what inputs are needed, where, and at what rate, there is other, more sobering news for growers to contemplate this year. Farmers […]
Tar Spot: A Mid-Season “Watch Out!” for Late-Planted Corn

Editor’s Note: Our blog article this week comes from a recent conversation with Dan Emmert, Lead Agronomist with Advanced Agrilytics in Southwest Indiana. He reports that due to a wide range of planting dates for this year’s corn crop, there is a tremendous variety of agronomic issues growers are facing right now. Here are some of […]
Corn and Soy Grower Boosts Production with Advanced Agrilytics

When Kyle Mehmen made some personnel changes a couple of years ago at MBS Family Farms, based near Plainfield, Iowa, he started shopping around for farm consulting services. A fifth-generation farmer who primarily grows corn and soybeans, he knew he wanted more than typical farm consulting. From his time working as a sales rep for […]
Assessing Crop Health & Making Decisions: Protecting Profitability in a Challenging Growing Season

In most of the Corn Belt, the growing season has been contentious to say the least. Some areas were able to plant early (prior to April 20), where cooler ambient and soil temperatures slowed emergence and early growth. Following that, and for many who planted after April 20, dry soil conditions and some days of […]
Go Or No Go? 3 Considerations For Planting Decisions And Emergence Watchouts

When variable weather across the corn belt strikes, the pressure to know when planting conditions are right for your operation weighs heavy. Do you go or do you wait? What do you really need to be accounting for as you weigh the factors to make that decision? Precision Agronomist Erika Parker shares three considerations for […]
Does Organic Matter, Matter? Four Keys to Unlock Potential With Nitrogen Management.

As growers, we can often find ourselves in conversations bragging about how much — or lamenting about how little — organic matter we have based on our soil testing reports. While the importance of organic matter is generally understood, we continue to struggle as an industry to put that knowledge into action. So, how do […]
Six Keys to Writing A Winning Corn Recommendation

A winning football team understands its strengths and weaknesses and also scouts their opponent to understand their tendencies, strengths and weaknesses. Winning coaches put their players in a position to succeed by building a game plan to take advantage of their talents and address their shortcomings. It’s no different when it comes to achieving high […]
For Corn Grain Fill, It’s About Keeping Carbs

By this point in the harvest season, you know how well your corn crop fared in terms of grain, overall yield and quality. While this year’s crop is set, it can still offer you valuable insight for fine tuning your management program for next year. It really comes down to close observation of a mature […]
Isolating the Mechanism: Top Dieback in Corn

At Advanced Agrilytics, we seek to understand the environment first and isolate the underlying mechanism that influences potential productivity. We’ve spent months walking side-by-side with growers. This time of year, we view yield as an outcome of the time and energy spent in proactively managing the crop during the growing season. At this point in […]
The Final Chapter: Protecting the Crop Factory Through Grain Fill

As we turn the calendar into the heart of summer, the growing season can feel similar to reading a book, each chapter building more excitement and anticipation until the final plot line is delivered. We worked hard in chapter 1 to establish the crop and begin what we call the Race to Canopy. The story […]