Race To Canopy

Brownfield Ag News Series: Unlocking Potential with Advanced Agrilytics Check out video two of the Brownfield Ag News Series: Unlocking Potential with Advanced Agrilytics. Lead Agronomist Dan Emmert says it’s time to talk about the next biggest challenge: getting the crop out of the ground and off to a strong start. In this episode, Emmert […]
Successful Early Plant Soybeans

Brownfield Ag News Series: Unlocking Potential with Advanced Agrilytics Check out the first video of the Brownfield Ag News Series: Unlocking Potential with Advanced Agrilytics. Research Agronomy Lead, AJ Woodyard, shares his insights on how to be successful with early planted soybeans. In this episode, AJ discusses nodes, pods, seed weight impacts, and more. Watch […]
Go Or No Go? 3 Considerations For Planting Decisions And Emergence Watchouts

When variable weather across the corn belt strikes, the pressure to know when planting conditions are right for your operation weighs heavy. Do you go or do you wait? What do you really need to be accounting for as you weigh the factors to make that decision? Precision Agronomist Erika Parker shares three considerations for […]
Does Organic Matter, Matter? Four Keys to Unlock Potential With Nitrogen Management.

As growers, we can often find ourselves in conversations bragging about how much — or lamenting about how little — organic matter we have based on our soil testing reports. While the importance of organic matter is generally understood, we continue to struggle as an industry to put that knowledge into action. So, how do […]
New Method to Unlock Soybean Potential: Variety Profile Index

Every new growing season brings great potential, but how do you make it a reality? For a successful soybean crop, it starts by understanding sub-field environments and how they impact yield, to answer the questions of why and how. This is the approach a team of researchers is taking to unlock the yield potential of […]
Six Keys to Writing A Winning Corn Recommendation

A winning football team understands its strengths and weaknesses and also scouts their opponent to understand their tendencies, strengths and weaknesses. Winning coaches put their players in a position to succeed by building a game plan to take advantage of their talents and address their shortcomings. It’s no different when it comes to achieving high […]
Decisions, Decisions: Growers Face Many as Planting Rolls On

Pull the planter out of the shed, fill the planter boxes and start putting seed in the ground. That’s all there is to it, right? No, and especially not this year with so many variables at play, says Aaron Gault, lead agronomist for Advanced Agrilytics.
Not only has a wet, cool spring presented challenging field conditions, but also input availability, cost, and wild swings in commodity prices have given growers a lot more to think about.
“Even before we dive into the prescriptive side of managing the crop it’s going to be about the planter and planter maintenance that we need to focus on,” Gault says. “A key part of that is making sure we have even emergence. And when you think of everything that affects that emerging seedling it goes back to how it is set into the trench. Are all the seeds planted at a consistent depth and are they all planted into moisture?”
Three Management Considerations for Early Planted Soybeans

Thinking about planting soybeans earlier this Spring? AJ Woodyard, lead agronomist, walks through some key management considerations growers should acknowledge prior to putting seeds in the ground.
5 Questions to Ask Now for #Plant2022

Caution: that was not a typo. Lead Agronomist, Kent Klingbeil says that as planters roll on #plant21, there are a number of things farmers should be already considering for 2022, or at least documenting along the way. What were my stand counts? Taking a minute to document stands early in the season could help provide context […]
The Planting Rush Is On – But Don’t Forget About What’s Next

With May creeping up on the Corn Belt, the rush is on to get this year’s crop in the ground and off to the races. But, Advanced Agrilytics warns that planning for next year starts while in the cab this year, as well.