Advanced Agrilytics

Corn and Soy Grower Boosts Production with Advanced Agrilytics

When Kyle Mehmen made some personnel changes a couple of years ago at MBS Family Farms, based near Plainfield, Iowa, he started shopping around for farm consulting services. A fifth-generation farmer who primarily grows corn and soybeans, he knew he wanted more than typical farm consulting. From his time working as a sales rep for […]

Successful Early Plant Soybeans

Brownfield Ag News Series: Unlocking Potential with Advanced Agrilytics Check out the first video of the Brownfield Ag News Series: Unlocking Potential with Advanced Agrilytics. Research Agronomy Lead, AJ Woodyard, shares his insights on how to be successful with early planted soybeans. In this episode, AJ discusses nodes, pods, seed weight impacts, and more. Watch […]

Go Or No Go? 3 Considerations For Planting Decisions And Emergence Watchouts

When variable weather across the corn belt strikes, the pressure to know when planting conditions are right for your operation weighs heavy. Do you go or do you wait? What do you really need to be accounting for as you weigh the factors to make that decision? Precision Agronomist Erika Parker shares three considerations for […]

New Method to Unlock Soybean Potential: Variety Profile Index


Every new growing season brings great potential, but how do you make it a reality? For a successful soybean crop, it starts by understanding sub-field environments and how they impact yield, to answer the questions of why and how. This is the approach a team of researchers is taking to unlock the yield potential of […]

Green Stems in Soybeans at Harvest: Understanding the Cause

The past three weeks have allowed for rapid progress on soybean harvest in many areas of the Midwest.  While soybean yields have been variable based on the conditions experienced through the growing season, one frequent inquiry has been around the observation of green stem syndrome.  This has been especially true on more water-limited acres within […]

Why Are Early Planted Soybeans Popular? Results

Soybeans Harvest

AJ Woodyard, lead agronomist and someone who likes to “geek out on soybeans” has seen the true capabilities of soybeans over the years. Someone who has experience in research testing a variety of management practices, Woodyard has challenged a lot of conventional thinking and is always willing to challenge some more. Why should a farmer […]

Early Planted Soybeans Come with Risks, Rewards

Young soybean plant

Gone are the days of conventional wisdom pointing to always planting corn first. In fact, as the adoption of early planted soybeans becomes more common, conventional wisdom may soon point the opposite way.

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