Advanced Agrilytics

Get More P and K Performance for Your Money

Highlights Using outdated, traditional nutrient management recommendations leads to over-application of costly nutrients in some areas and under-application in other areas. This wastes money and leaves potential yield gain unrealized.  Using traditional nutrient management methods and applying the same rate over the entire acre could result in an over-application of $30-$40 per acre. In a 1,000-acre […]

Five Things to Consider During Fall Fertility Planning

It’s that time of year again. The crops are maturing in the field, and corn and soybean farmers start thinking about their fall fertility planning. Along with mulling over the usual decisions of what inputs are needed, where, and at what rate, there is other, more sobering news for growers to contemplate this year. Farmers […]

Six Planning Tips to Increase Corn Yield

Achieving high corn yields begins with a plan that sets you up for success. The better the strategy, the better your odds of maximizing productivity. So, what constitutes a good plan? “Think through all of the factors that need to be in the plan,” says Dan Emmert, a lead agronomist at Advanced Agrilytics. “And be […]

Four Keys to Unlocking Yield Potential with Better Nitrogen Management

As growers, we can often find ourselves sharing how much — or lamenting about how little — organic matter we have based on our soil testing reports. While the importance of organic matter is generally understood, we continue to struggle as an industry to put that knowledge into action. “We get an organic material estimation […]

When Mother Nature Calls — Will You Be Ready?

A series of decisions equate to yield. We talk about it constantly: the weather. We know how impactful it can be when it doesn’t work the way we hope it will. But, in our latest editorial we asked:  If our success hinges so much on weather — do we really know what we’re doing?  A […]

Bout With Drought – Part 2

Nitrogen Application Opportunities in Water-Limited Environments In our previous article, we discussed the importance of moisture early in the growing season in getting the crop off to a fast start. Across much of the Corn Belt, we know water has been a limited resource and each year, getting either too much or too little rainfall […]

The Bout with Drought

Finding ways to support the crop through dry conditions Across the Corn Belt today, a measurable rain has been hard to come by and conditions are very dry. While the resulting plant stress is causing a great deal of personal stress for growers, it’s important to remember that, historically, this water-limitation occurs on roughly 30% […]

Race To Canopy

Brownfield Ag News Series: Unlocking Potential with Advanced Agrilytics Check out video two of the Brownfield Ag News Series: Unlocking Potential with Advanced Agrilytics. Lead Agronomist Dan Emmert says it’s time to talk about the next biggest challenge: getting the crop out of the ground and off to a strong start. In this episode, Emmert […]

Spatial Critical Fertilizer – A Dynamic Approach to Phosphorus & Potassium

For several decades, Midwest agronomists and farmers alike have used a standard rule for managing nutrient concentration levels in their soils.  This rule of management has primarily been influenced by utilizing various state or university guidelines. These guidelines have been widely adopted across much of the United States to manage soil fertility on a field-by-field […]

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