Advanced Agrilytics

Five Things to Consider about Nutrient Loss Management In-Season

Nutrient Loss Management

Nitrogen management is a complex program and varies across each acre on the farm, according to Travis Kimmel, a Lead Agronomist with Advanced Agrilytics in Ohio. He says growers should be considering all of the variables that drive decision-making this time of year, when considering how to manage nutrient loss within their fields. “I can’t […]

In-season Nitrogen: Are Your Plans Ready?

Young Corn Plant

Now that everyone has at least partially recovered from that late April snow fall, it’s time to get back on track for the 2021 growing season. What’s next? According to Advanced Agrilytics lead agronomist, Kent Klingbeil, it’s time to consider in-season nitrogen applications in corn.   “At a minimum, you should have your side-dress prescriptions ready […]

Knowing the Difference Between Concentration and Availability in Soil Fertility

Soil Fertility

Soil fertility can be a tricky subject for non-soil scientists. It’s important for farmers to know what a soil sample is and what it isn’t. Soil samples, in a basic sense, provide farmers with concentration located in a specific area of the field. Agronomists worth their weight will help translate that information into available nutrients and assist farmers in […]

Five Things to Consider When Soil Sampling

Soil sampling

Do it. Simple, right? Soil sampling gives you a snapshot in time for the environments within your field. Soil sampling allows you to know where you should be going in soil management. If you’re not doing it already, start.  More than P,N,K. Yes, the P,N, K is an important tool in your management system. But, Organic matter is important, too – it’s more than a […]

Challenging Conventional Thinking in Soil Fertility

Soil sampling

Soil may not be the most exciting topic in production agriculture, but it is often the most critical. Knowing the environments within fields and managing to those environments can make or break a farm’s productivity.