Go Or No Go? 3 Considerations For Planting Decisions And Emergence Watchouts

When variable weather across the corn belt strikes, the pressure to know when planting conditions are right for your operation weighs heavy. Do you go or do you wait? What do you really need to be accounting for as you weigh the factors to make that decision? Precision Agronomist Erika Parker shares three considerations for […]
Running To The Recommendation

Why jumping straight into prescription writing without proper analysis and understanding of outcome can be costly As you reflect on the growing season, how do you measure success? Is it measuring overall yield improvement over last year or perhaps the year that was most similar in terms of rainfall and average temperature? What about individual […]
Customer Buy-In Another Proof Point for Advanced Agrilytics Model

A recent survey of Advanced Agrilytics customers shows that 95% of them plan to continue their relationship next year. For Seth Logan, a precision agronomist in Southern Illinois, he understands where that commitment comes from. “Advanced Agrilytics is just different,” says Logan, who had more than a decade of agronomy experience in the ag industry […]
Understanding Sub-acre Variables Key to Unlocking Maximum Productivity

A key to unlocking sustainable outcomes and top performance across a field is understanding the changing environment within each acre, according to Jeremy Hogan, a Lead Agronomist with Advanced Agrilytics. He says precision agriculture technologies can help growers identify a lot of information about in-field environmental factors but often that data doesn’t go far enough. […]
Illinois RDF Radio Speaks with Sean Arians

Sean Arians shares how Advanced Agrilytics puts data into action with Illinois RFD Radio.
Ugly Fields Draw Interest at Huntington Research Facility

Research farms have proven to be an effective way to show farmers first-hand how new products or management looks in-field. Often, farmers are invited to research showcases with fields expertly tended and monitored, with controlled, perfect conditions. For the farmers visiting the Advanced Agrilytics Huntington Research Facility this fall, some of the trials weren’t exactly […]