Advanced Agrilytics

Customer Buy-In Another Proof Point for Advanced Agrilytics Model

A recent survey of Advanced Agrilytics customers shows that 95% of them plan to continue their relationship next year. For Seth Logan, a precision agronomist in Southern Illinois, he understands where that commitment comes from.

“Advanced Agrilytics is just different,” says Logan, who had more than a decade of agronomy experience in the ag industry prior to joining the team in 2020. “Data collection and satellite imagery are great for telling you what happened, but they aren’t great at managing for what is going to happen. That’s where we come in.”

Sure, on paper, Advanced Agrilytics offers some of the services that farmers are accustomed to from others in the industry. However, Logan explains that Advanced Agrilytics brings a more customized, results-oriented approach to managing the details in an operation and provides the risk mitigation that others are overlooking.

“Where others may use aggregate data across many different environments based on what happened last year or the year before, we are looking at what could happen and helping farmers manage for consistency across their acres,” says Logan. “We have a number of approaches we use to meet farmers where they are in adoption of technology and help elevate what is happening within a field.”

Advanced Agrilytics’ approach to mitigating risk can be seen very clearly as major water events – either extreme dry or extreme wet weather – impact yields across the corn belt. But, Logan adds, it doesn’t have to just be when significant weather happens. It can be all season long.

“We all have those acres that we have written off because they never perform,” adds Logan. “What we’re doing is challenging conventional thinking and not writing recs off what happened, but rather what is possible if we manage environmental conditions.”

Last Updated on November 22, 2021

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