Managing your Crop in a Shortened Growing Season
As we progress through the month of May, rainfall across much of the Corn Belt has slowed planting progression, putting pressure on all of us to not only get the crop in timely, but under some challenging conditions. As the threat of weather delays pushes planting closer to the end of May, this calls into […]
Solve for N – Managing Nitrogen and Sulfur for Highest ROI

A few weeks ago, we talked about managing nitrogen and sulfur at planting and how, using the lens of environment first, we structured our starter trials to manipulate the plant’s rate of growth in the first 35-40 days of the growing season. While the idea of increased nitrogen and sulfur at planting is not a […]
Getting the Growing Season Off to a Good Start

What is the goal of starter fertilizer? Many in the industry will say it is simply to provide extra nutrition and get our crop “off to a good start.” But, can we get more specific in our goal for what that starter pass is intended to do? Instead of focusing on “getting off to a […]
Unlock Higher Crop Yields and ROI with Better Soil Sampling

The precision agriculture industry hasn’t done a great job articulating the value of site-specific soil testing, which has led to frustration from farmers, who aren’t sure how to use what they learn from the tests. “Soil testing methods haven’t changed in 20 years,” says Kent Klingbeil, a lead agronomist at Advanced Agrilytics. “No one has explained […]