Advanced Agrilytics

In-season Nitrogen: Are Your Plans Ready?

Young Corn Plant

Now that everyone has at least partially recovered from that late April snow fall, it’s time to get back on track for the 2021 growing season. What’s next? According to Advanced Agrilytics lead agronomist, Kent Klingbeil, it’s time to consider in-season nitrogen applications in corn.   “At a minimum, you should have your side-dress prescriptions ready […]

5 Questions to Ask Now for #Plant2022


Caution: that was not a typo. Lead Agronomist, Kent Klingbeil says that as planters roll on #plant21, there are a number of things farmers should be already considering for 2022, or at least documenting along the way.   What were my stand counts? Taking a minute to document stands early in the season could help provide context […]

Why Are Early Planted Soybeans Popular? Results

Soybeans Harvest

AJ Woodyard, lead agronomist and someone who likes to “geek out on soybeans” has seen the true capabilities of soybeans over the years. Someone who has experience in research testing a variety of management practices, Woodyard has challenged a lot of conventional thinking and is always willing to challenge some more. Why should a farmer […]

Knowing the Difference Between Concentration and Availability in Soil Fertility

Soil Fertility

Soil fertility can be a tricky subject for non-soil scientists. It’s important for farmers to know what a soil sample is and what it isn’t. Soil samples, in a basic sense, provide farmers with concentration located in a specific area of the field. Agronomists worth their weight will help translate that information into available nutrients and assist farmers in […]

Five Things to Consider When Soil Sampling

Soil sampling

Do it. Simple, right? Soil sampling gives you a snapshot in time for the environments within your field. Soil sampling allows you to know where you should be going in soil management. If you’re not doing it already, start.  More than P,N,K. Yes, the P,N, K is an important tool in your management system. But, Organic matter is important, too – it’s more than a […]

Make Room for Growth in Soybean Management


Ever been disappointed by 90-95 bu/acre soybeans? AJ Woodyard has. He wanted 120 in 2016, but late season the sun didn’t shine enough, leaving him shy of his record goal. A self-appointed soybean enthusiast and a lead agronomist for Advanced Agrilytics, Woodyard aims to push soybeans to their maximum potential in any environment. How can […]

Ugly Fields Draw Interest at Huntington Research Facility

Huntington Research Facility

Research farms have proven to be an effective way to show farmers first-hand how new products or management looks in-field. Often, farmers are invited to research showcases with fields expertly tended and monitored, with controlled, perfect conditions. For the farmers visiting the Advanced Agrilytics Huntington Research Facility this fall, some of the trials weren’t exactly […]