Advanced Agrilytics

From Agronomics to Economics: 5 Key Differentiators When Navigating Farmland Investment Conversations

In a competitive farming landscape, having a sustainable growth strategy is crucial. However, it can be difficult to navigate tight farming community relationships while seeking that growth. Competing with family and friends is unfortunately a reality of the market. By focusing on factors such as agronomic expertise, precision technology, nutrient management, and effective communication, farmers […]

Bout With Drought – Part 2

Nitrogen Application Opportunities in Water-Limited Environments In our previous article, we discussed the importance of moisture early in the growing season in getting the crop off to a fast start. Across much of the Corn Belt, we know water has been a limited resource and each year, getting either too much or too little rainfall […]

The Bout with Drought

Finding ways to support the crop through dry conditions Across the Corn Belt today, a measurable rain has been hard to come by and conditions are very dry. While the resulting plant stress is causing a great deal of personal stress for growers, it’s important to remember that, historically, this water-limitation occurs on roughly 30% […]

Go Or No Go? 3 Considerations For Planting Decisions And Emergence Watchouts

When variable weather across the corn belt strikes, the pressure to know when planting conditions are right for your operation weighs heavy. Do you go or do you wait? What do you really need to be accounting for as you weigh the factors to make that decision? Precision Agronomist Erika Parker shares three considerations for […]

Six Keys to Writing A Winning Corn Recommendation 

A winning football team understands its strengths and weaknesses and also scouts their opponent to understand their tendencies, strengths and weaknesses.  Winning coaches put their players in a position to succeed by building a game plan to take advantage of their talents and address their shortcomings. It’s no different when it comes to achieving high […]

Running To The Recommendation

Why jumping straight into prescription writing without proper analysis and understanding of outcome can be costly As you reflect on the growing season, how do you measure success? Is it measuring overall yield improvement over last year or perhaps the year that was most similar in terms of rainfall and average temperature? What about individual […]

Spatial Critical Fertilizer – A Dynamic Approach to Phosphorus & Potassium

For several decades, Midwest agronomists and farmers alike have used a standard rule for managing nutrient concentration levels in their soils.  This rule of management has primarily been influenced by utilizing various state or university guidelines. These guidelines have been widely adopted across much of the United States to manage soil fertility on a field-by-field […]