Advanced Agrilytics


As the research division of Advanced Agrilytics, Ag Ingenuity Partners (AIP)  was founded out of the necessity to create research that answers the “why” and the “how” of spatial agricultural research, delivering performance insights on the interaction between seed, chemical, equipment, and management practices by environment.


Comprehensive Product Evaluation

We combine crop development, soil attributes and agronomic practices to evaluate the impact of the interaction of these factors, along with product performance. We have created exclusive models that allow us to improve our understanding of a product and its response.


Extensive Data Reporting

We deliver more by connecting crop management to the yield generation process across landscapes. By understanding a product’s performance in isolated spatial reference points, we’re able to provide recommendations to extend effectiveness and create value, regardless of the sector of agriculture.


We isolate the mechanisms that ultimately impact results to provide clarity on a product’s performance:

Understanding the environment is fundamental to everything we do; understanding the sub-field environment led us to create unique proprietary data layers to enable us to tailor the testing network to our customers’ needs.

Our deep understanding of the spatial variation – the varying environments within a field – allows us to predict at-risk areas where plants may encounter challenges during the season. We can isolate those spatial reference points in the field and place trials based on research hypotheses, to isolate mechanisms and identify influence on the plant performance. Examining plant response moves us beyond looking at average performance as we would in a traditional field — these results allow us to truly describe the environment where a product will have the highest probability of success.
Our ability to describe environments that influence a specific product’s performance leads to our ability to create management layers that scale. We provide our clients recommendations, specific to their customers’ fields, that maximize the performance of their products.


NITRAPYRIN A Deeper Look Into Efficacy, Yield Response

Yield targets, in season sampling, or more recently, modeling efforts, have all made attempts at driving nitrogen rate decisions. The challenge, however, is oftentimes these lines of thinking do not take into consideration the variability of denitrification and leaching that occur across field spatial variability. We identified that while nitrification inhibitors are used to mitigate […]

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AIP conducts its main controlled-environment small-plot research testing at the Advanced Agrilytics Research Facility in Huntington, Indiana. Here, researchers work on individual small plots where they can recreate sub-field environments occurring in real-world production acres through subsurface irrigation-based treatments. The size of these plots enables them to diagnose issues that arise within a 5-foot zone – sometimes smaller – and isolate for further analysis.

Using proprietary data layers to isolate the mechanisms influencing product response by sub-field environment, researchers monitor crop inputs and outputs through plant uptake and tile loss to quantify product impact on nutrient use efficiency and water quality across environments. This leads to an increased probability of success in product management and placement in the fields of farmers who later buy these products, since AIP researchers can gain a detailed understanding of how a crop responds across differing induced environments that translate over to real production acres.


Our team combines the education and experience needed most to test products, question results and deliver insights.


Chief Technical Officer & Co-Founder

Kess Berg, with over 20 years in agronomy and agtech, serves as the Chief Technology Officer at Advanced Agrilytics. He expertly integrates crop growth, soil properties, and agronomic practices using Geographic Information Systems to analyze environmental factors affecting crops. His expertise includes soil mineralogy, crop physiology, and agricultural production, enhancing crop management systems. Kess has degrees from Ohio State University and advanced degrees from Purdue University.


Chief Science Officer & Co-founder

Jon brings his unique and extensive background in agronomy and soil science, with an emphasis in statistics/data analytics, to his role as Chief Science Officer with Advanced Agrilytics. Jon’s experience, which ranges from NASA to Monsanto, helps his fluency in several programming languages. Jon specializes in developing site-specific analyses and process-based models that improve understanding of product response, as well as the underlying yield generation process across the landscape. He holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Minnesota and a Master of Science from the University of Missouri. When not working, Jon enjoys spending time with his family and working on his antique tractors.


Ag Ingenuity Partners Director

Jon is the team lead for the research arm of Advanced Agrilytics. He works with companies in the seed, chemistry and equipment industries to identify the best approach to increasing their product’s adoption, confidence and use. Jon has an extensive background in agronomic research and development, helping product managers understand their products’ capabilities on a deeper level. Jon’s specialties allow for targeted, field-scale research, as well as managing a controlled-environment research facility. Jon holds a bachelor’s degree from Purdue University and a PhD from Rutgers University.

Headshot portrait of AJ Woodyard


Research Agronomy Lead

AJ pushes the envelope in agronomic and field research – identifying new and unique ways to maximize crop yields. His intense in-field observations, combined with his focus on “why” practices or approaches, provide benefits to growers through innovative ideas with practical delivery. AJ completed his bachelor’s and master’s degree in Crop and Weed Sciences and has worked in several technical roles in the crop protection industry. Most recently, he worked with high yield growers across the U.S., while also providing initial research and data for “ultra” early planted soybeans in conjunction with a high management system approach. AJ remains involved in his family farming operation in East Central Illinois and enjoys bringing his inquisitive research concepts back home.


Director of Business Development, SaaS