Advanced Agrilytics

In-season Nitrogen: Are Your Plans Ready?

Now that everyone has at least partially recovered from that late April snow fall, it’s time to get back on track for the 2021 growing season. What’s next? According to Advanced Agrilytics lead agronomist, Kent Klingbeil, it’s time to consider in-season nitrogen applications in corn.  

“At a minimum, you should have your side-dress prescriptions ready to go,” says Klingbeil, an Iowa-based agronomist. “Knowing what stage and where you want to side-dress first will get you the most bang for your buck prior to canopy.”  

For Klingbeil and the rest of the Advanced Agrilytics team, managing fertilizer recs, like in-season nitrogen applications, come down to managing the environment.  

“The probability of success with fertilizer comes down to what is happening in your environment,” adds Klingbeil. “At Advanced Agrilytics, we take the information we have on any given field and weigh it with the options for management that make the most sense.” 

For many, these types of recommendations could seem overwhelming. But, with the team at Advanced Agrilytics, farmers get research-backed recommendations alongside a personal agronomist helping guide decisions throughout the year.  

Klingbeil adds that any time is a good time to get started with Advanced Agrilytics.  

“Even if you don’t have your in-season nitrogen plans written or you have all your nitrogen applied, we can help with scouting now to keep you on top of the progression of your fields the entire season, it’s all about building upon success on your farm,” he adds.  

Last Updated on July 26, 2024

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