Advanced Agrilytics

Tar Spot: A Mid-Season “Watch Out!” for Late-Planted Corn

Editor’s Note: Our blog article this week comes from a recent conversation with Dan Emmert, Lead Agronomist with Advanced Agrilytics in Southwest Indiana. He reports that due to a wide range of planting dates for this year’s corn crop, there is a tremendous variety of agronomic issues growers are facing right now. Here are some of […]

Managing your Crop in a Shortened Growing Season

As we progress through the month of May, rainfall across much of the Corn Belt has slowed planting progression, putting pressure on all of us to not only get the crop in timely, but under some challenging conditions. As the threat of weather delays pushes planting closer to the end of May, this calls into […]

Solve for N – Managing Nitrogen and Sulfur for Highest ROI

A few weeks ago, we talked about managing nitrogen and sulfur at planting and how, using the lens of environment first, we structured our starter trials to manipulate the plant’s rate of growth in the first 35-40 days of the growing season. While the idea of increased nitrogen and sulfur at planting is not a […]

Does Every Acre Require the Same Nitrogen Application?


Traditionally, Nitrogen fertilizer (N) rates have been linked primarily to expected yield goals.  However, with recent high N fertilizer costs, above average commodity prices, and unpredictable rainfall patterns, the focus on improved nitrogen management, reduced environmental risk, and maximizing yield potential has become more important than ever. For corn following soybeans, the traditional guidelines have […]